Action Research Team: (Ages 14-18)
Innovative research, creative transformation, and leadership.
The Action Research Team (ART) is one of two Youth Leadership Teams at Deep, alongside the Slam Team. The cohort is made up of young people who are passionate about creating a more just and equitable Savannah. Youth in ART explore the critical issues that impact their lives and the lives of those in their community and then rise up as activists, researchers, and artists to enact plans that will help transform “what is” to “what could be.”
The work of ART is guided by the principles and practices of participatory action research; a grassroots approach to developing and sharing knowledge about the systems and histories that impact communities in order to affect change. ART members have led advocacy and community-organizing projects at local and regional levels such as the creation of a bill of demands published with accompanying policy recommendations in the Deep Center brief, Our Stories Are the Evidence: Youth-Powered Policies for a More Just and Equitable Savannah, and facilitating workshops for youth to share lived experiences, make connections, and develop skills to help amplify their voices— one of which was in collaboration with Leader Stacey Abrams.

ART youth testifies at the Georgia Capitol after legislators denied youth testimony on a bill that would have banned books in classrooms

ART youth visiting Massie Heritage Center
While Deep’s Action Research Team (ART) activities are rooted in participatory action research, the youth members decide as a team what topics or issues they would like to focus on and what plans of action they want to take. They are supported by adult allies who help youth build their knowledge, skills, and power by providing resources, guidance, and access to people with the power to enact changes.
Some of the skills ART members practice and develop include:
- Creative self-expression through writing and artistic creation (in many forms!)
- Critical examinations of the world we live in
- Communication and planning skills to be a collaborative leader
- Directly and indirectly advocating for systems change
- Building connections within and across communities
ART members may not always agree on every issue or may have different ideas for how to plan and enact change. But for the important work of ART to be achieved, its members need to be able to act as a collective.
Therefore, each member of ART is expected to exhibit:
- Passion for social justice and creation of a more equitable society
- Belief that individuals can effect change as part of collective movements
- Belief in the power of communities to create more equitable societies
- Willingness to listen, learn, and unlearn
- A basic understanding of systems of oppression (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.), power, and privilege– and your own position within those dynamics
- Ability to think in deep, creative, innovative ways (Note: This does NOT mean you have to be getting good grades in school.)
- Understanding of how art and culture can be ways to resist oppression
- Commitment to being a collaborative team member
- Commitment to following through on tasks, duties, and responsibilities
Want to join? Fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you!
Email: for more information.