Community Organizing: (Ages 17+)

We build power together

Deep Center works with both youth and adults to organize, support, and build power amongst a broad coalition of everyday people, community stakeholders, faith communities, unlikely allies, working-class youth and families from communities of color and other marginalized communities to build power and lift up young people as social justice leaders, artists, and advocates to transform Chatham County and Georgia.

Our team advances transformation in a deeply specific context. Our tactics and strategies are rooted in our Southernness, our unique challenges, and our long tradition of resistance. While our model is rooted in place, our pedagogy, practices, and strategies are scalable, especially in communities looking to effect change when it is far easier to say it can’t be done here.

Our community organizing focuses on two key areas with both youth and adults: movement building amongst grassroots communities and pushing for policy change through campaigns. There is a great deal of opportunity to support a coalition of willing, reform-minded folks  inside institutions with expertise, visibility and advocacy, and opportunities to envision a new paradigm.

Deep youth organized a regional summit on building power across the South’s blackbelt and featured Leader Stacey Abrams as a key speaker on building multi-racial, multi-interest coalitions.

Organize with Us

Community Organizer O at the Georgia state capitol during Justice Day

At Deep Center, we want you and your village to have more power to say what your community looks like and how your government responds to your needs. We’re focusing on state legislation in this moment—as it is being actively created, heard, and passed—by building this toolkit to help you amplify your voice and strengthen the work of existing organizing efforts in Savannah.

Adult Community Organizing: 18+. 

All across Savannah, the southeast and the state of Georgia,  everyday people enter into the working of organizing, learning first-hand how to transform their lived experience into civic and cultural change. Nowhere is that more apparent than with our adult community organizing, where adults, the majority being directly-impacted people, get together to focus on transformative and restorative justice campaigns, hosting community clinics, and barber shop conversations that move people from telling their story, to taking action.

Youth Community Organizing: 17-26

All across Savannah, young people enter into the working of youth cultural organizing, learning first-hand how to transform their lived experience into civic and cultural change. Led by our youth action coordinator and designed to be an entry level space into organizing, youth organizers learn how  to build community power in Chatham County, specifically among youth and young adults, ages 17-26, and focus on social justice advocacy. We train community members who may find themselves in local highschools, colleges, or in other environments, to understand and advocate for administrative and legislative policies that will benefit their communities, with a focus on juvenile and criminal justice reform, voter education and empowerment, and civil rights.

At Deep Center, we want you and your village to have more power to say what your community looks like and how your government responds to your needs. We’re focusing on state legislation in this moment—as it is being actively created, heard, and passed—by building this toolkit to help you amplify your voice and strengthen the work of existing organizing efforts in Savannah.

Our organizing happens on two tracks: adult and youth. Our youth community organizer focuses on young adults ages 17-24, and our adult organizer focuses on adult organizers.

To get involved, reach out to,, and

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