Join Freedom School

Our 2024 912 Freedom School will be held June 17-21 from 1-5 pm at  Deep Center.   We will be meeting on Wednesday the 19th to celebrate Juneteenth together,  and in connection with other community events.

912 Freedom School is a free program for young people ages 13-18  interested in creating more inclusive, just, communities where everyone can thrive.  Through conversations, hands-on workshops, and fun! participants (aka Freedom Fellows) develop relationships, knowledge and skills to build their individual and collective power as young people in Savannah. 

The mission of 912 Freedom School is to be a joyful place where young people can build connections with one another, call attention to issues that they are passionate about and deepen their understanding of the world around them.  The idea for 912 Freedom School originated from young people in Deep Center’s Action Research Team (ART) and it continues to be co-designed and co-led by the young people in ART.  

912 Freedom School is a part of Deep Center’s youth Action Research Team (ART). The idea for 912 Freedom School originated from young people in ART’s 2020-2021 cohort.  Reflecting Deep Center’s belief in the power of arts and culture for healing-centered transformative justice, 912 Freedom School activities use arts-based practices and pedagogies for young people to tell their stories of “what is” — in a way that is valued and affirmed, creatively imagines what could be, and envisions how young people can work to bridge the gap between the two.  


912 Freedom School is a movement-building political education institute for young people in Chatham County, in order for us to envision and create an equitable Savannah together, we are looking for young people who are:

  • Ages 13-18 and passionate about social justice and creation of a more equitable society
  • Believers in the power of communities to create more equitable societies
  • Creative, deep, and innovative thinkers with a willingness to listen, learn, and unlearn (Note: This does NOT mean you have to be getting good grades in school.)
  • Knowledgeable about basic understandings of systems of oppression (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.)
  • Committed to attending all days of programming with intention of following through on tasks, duties, and responsibilities 
  • Freedom Fellows who complete all 5 days of Freedom School are eligible for a stipend of up to $150.

To be a 2024 Freedom Fellow, please complete the 912 Freedom School Application at  by June 3. Limited spaces are available.

Email or for more information.