Deep Center

Apply To Join Deep Center’s Action Research Team

Over the past year, Deep Center’s Action Research Team has been hard at work gathering countless stories and experiences of young people across Chatham County in order to pave the way for transformative change in Savannah. Just last month, we published “Our Stories Are the Evidence,” Deep’s very first policy brief, which was informed by the work of the Action Research Team.

But there’s more to be done.

We’re inviting young people between the ages of 16-21 who grew up in Chatham County to apply to join the 2019-20 Action Research Team! In the coming weeks, we will select short-listed candidates to be interviewed. Those who are chosen for the team will receive stipends for their work throughout the year.

Young people should apply by Sunday, November 24th, 2019 for the chance to help write a whole new story for Savannah. If you know of someone who would be a good fit, please spread the word!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Raphael Eissa, Deep’s Community Engagement Coordinator, at

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