Deep Center

Meet Jade Davis, Our New Deep Laureate

Deep Center has named 11-year-old Jade Davis, a 6th grader from Isle of Hope, Deep Laureate for winter 2016 (representing the fall 2015 semester).

The honor recognizes Jade as one of Savannah’s “deepest” young authors, whose creative writing is among the most skilled, original and fearless in the county.

When Jade read her story onstage at Deep Speaks on February 23, you could hear a pin drop.

“I feel happy and proud to be named Deep Laureate. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before,” says Jade of the honor. “I’ve always been a writer, and I’ve always written stories about my life. But that kind of writing I had to do alone in my room. Now I write these stories in Deep, and all of Savannah is my audience.”

Read more about Jade here.

Read Jade’s story, “The Timeline of Jade Davis,” here.

Read a Savannah Morning News article about Jade and Deep Speaks here.

Watch WTOC’s coverage of the most recent Deep Speaks here.

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